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FAA bill won’t hit House floor this week

With help from Heather Caygle, Kathryn A. Wolfe and Tony Romm

HOLD YER HORSES: Maybe it’s premature to say that the AIRR Act is running out of steam. But here’s the truth: Even though Congress wasn’t even in session this week, it turned out to be a rough few days for the FAA reauthorization bill. Despite earlier hopes from some for a swift path to the House floor, the legislation will not be taken up by the House in the upcoming week, our Kathy Wolfe and Heather Caygle report. Instead, the House Transportation Committee is “still working with related committees,” a House leadership aide told Heather. From their story: “Lobbyists have grown increasingly skeptical about Shuster’s goal of having the bill on the House floor next week, and had begun signaling that they were expecting it to be shelved temporarily. The delay isn’t unexpected, considering that Democrats appear united against the bill, making it crucial for the GOP to maintain its ranks.” And T&I Chairman Bill Shuster’s plan to strip air traffic control away from the FAA hasn’t been helped by a steady stream of outside naysayers — such as The New York Times editorial board and Delta. And speaking of naysayers …

SULLY SPEAKS: Capt. Chesley Sullenberger, the celebrated pilot from “the Miracle on the Hudson,” spoke with MT about his views on the House Transportation Committee’s FAA overhaul bill — and he’s not happy. He worries that the creation of a nonprofit air traffic control system will create an unequal system that gives unparalleled power to commercial airlines and fails to protect general aviation and airline passengers.


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